dimanche 19 mai 2024

But who challenged Russia with a NATO advance closer to Russia's borders, who organized Coups d'état in the countries bordering Russia, who started the war in Ukraine against Russia? Is China too stupid to understand that after Russia, it is the target? The Hill reports: Trump: Putin and Xi plan to 'do damage' while 'I'm sitting here in a cooler' President Trump delivered a speech Thursday after a day in court for his hush money criminal trial, saying Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin were meeting to do "damage" while he was sitting “in a cooler.” "President Xi of China, I know him well, President Putin of Russia, knows him well, they're working together right now on plans where they... come together and do damage, because that's ultimately what they think they're doing damage," Trump said in New York. Putin arrived in Beijing early Thursday local time, the first state visit of his new term. Putin and Xi are expected to discuss international issues and celebrate relations between the two countries. His visit comes as Russian forces continue a major offensive in Ukraine, seen as one of the biggest assaults since the start of the war, which has forced thousands of civilians to evacuate the northeastern region. Xi is interested in Putin's takeover in Ukraine, particularly because of what it could mean for Taiwan, the island that China considers part of its own but has never been controlled by the Party Chinese communist, reports the Washington Post. Trump highlighted Xi's interest in taking over Taiwan and compared it to his own situation. The former president is under a silence order in the case, so he must be careful what he says about the ongoing trial, but has often referred to the temperature in the courtroom of Manhattan and said she was kept cold "on purpose." "He fully expects to take Taiwan. He made that statement today. It's a big statement," Trump said of Xi. “And I’m sitting here in a cooler. » "I'm sitting here, listening to a case that the people at CNN and MSDNC say should never have been brought. I've been sitting here for almost four weeks, and we still have a long way to go," he continued.

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