mercredi 21 août 2024

The new American plague!! Right-line The Americanized West is giving lessons to the whole world. Russia intervenes in Ukraine to defend Russian speakers; it's wrong! Ukraine makes a breakthrough in Russia; It is ok!! 'Jew' Zelinsky bans Orthodox Church in Ukraine; It is ok! The "Jews" are retaliating in an inproportional way and practising genocide; It is ok! The US lies about Iraq and kills three hundred and fifty thousand people; It is ok! The Anglo-Saxons will kill Gaddafi and 'found' the Islamic State; It is ok Bashar al-Assad wants to get rid of the Islamists; it's wrong! The Americans finance Bin Laden, then betray him, the World Trade Center; it's wrong! In the end, everything that comes from the West is good and everything else in the world is bad! The Americanized mono-polar world is seeing its limits. This is where the extraterritoriality of the Yankies has led us. Poor World Dr. Nicole Franjou Kansas. US

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