mardi 10 septembre 2024

CNN 'leaked' report on the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine (Korybko) By Robert Bibeau on September 11, 2024 Andrew Korybko, Sep 09, 2024, on CNN shared an overview of the severity of the situation in Ukraine ( . The Armed Forces of Ukraine are in the midst of converging crises caused by the failure of the counteroffensive, the policy of forced conscription and Zelensky's gaffe in Kursk, which lead to more desertions, defeats and, ultimately, more despair. . CNN performed a rare act of journalistic service with its detailed report on how "the Ukrainian military, outnumbered in weapons and numbers, is struggling with low morale and desertion." He candidly describes the many problems plaguing the Armed Forces of Ukraine (UAF) at this pivotal moment in the conflict, as they continue to occupy part of Kursk but continue to lose ground in the Donbass. Their story begins with the presence

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